Monday, January 17, 2011

Regarding the Scions of the Maiden's Loyal Steel


I have taken it upon myself to bear witness to the events that occurred this late Winter of the year 1461.  Seventeen precious years since the embrace of the so-called Children of the Conspiracy, I have taken note of the activities of Anette and Luc de Valois.  As expected, the disappearance of their father, Michel de Valois, has given the Dauphin reason to believe him dead.  And it is only thanks to the kindness of the Dauphin's wife, Marie d'Anjou and Queen Yolande of Aragon that the two children were then welcomed into the household and raised as their own.   Though their family lines were of relation, neither child was fully embraced to be called as one of Charles VII's children.  Louis XI and Charles, Duke of Berry remained the sole children that the Dauphin was known to have.

With the Dauphin's death now near, one which I have discerned to be caused by a lingering sickness which has stripped from him the ability to swallow food or water, both Anette and Luc de Valois stand close to the Dauphin's younger son Charles.  The two have gained in many ways the trust and favor of the young Charles, more to the point when Luc de Valois wisely reminded them of the dying Dauphin's wish to be buried beside his parents in Saint-Denis.

I can foresee the two gaining greater political strength, if not influence, than their father had ever imagined.  I can only wonder how Michael de Valois feels of his children now that both have come to adulthood with greater than meager resources at hand.

My report,

Josef von Bauren

post script:
It has only occurred to me just as I was to seal my missive that I have referred to the late King as a Dauphin in my letter.  I do hope you forgive me for this confusing mistake.  Then again, I have little love for the French.  More so French nobility.  Their penchant of naming most of their children the same way exhausts my reservoir of logic.

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